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Before you start working on the platform, you can study its basic functionality and get acquainted with the AGORA product.

You can move along the suggested order and study the specified functionality. Below is a list of pages that we recommend studying before starting to work with the platform. Each page has a training video on the functionality, it is also advisable to watch it, since it succinctly demonstrates all the important features of each functional block in a few minutes. There is quite a lot of information, so you can start by studying the videos and, in addition to them, view the text pages.

To get started with the AGORA platform, we recommend that you study the following functionality:

1. Home page - here you will find links to the main documents, and there is also a search bar that allows you to find documents on request.

2. Registration forms - below are 4 pages on the topic of registration. They cover registration for different types of users, as well as setting up the registration form. All of the pages listed have a video clip explaining the functionality, which can also be viewed:

3. Product Catalog - information about the catalog. The link leads to the parent page with a video about the product catalog, but you can also study all the nested pages if necessary.

4. Uploading products to the catalog - information on uploading products to the platform. The link leads to the parent page with a video about uploading products to the catalog, but you can also study all the nested pages if necessary.

5. PIM - description of the capabilities for managing the quality of content uploaded to the platform.

6. Standards - this page explains the logic of working with the standard catalog. At the end of the page there is a link to documents on setting up the functionality from the administrative panel.

7. Product categories - here you will find information about the features of working with product categories on the platform. The link leads to the parent page, but you can also study the nested pages if necessary.

8. Shopping cart and order placement - this page contains a description of the shopping cart and a video about working with it, as well as about placing an order.

9. Orders - a detailed description of the Orders section on the platform. The link leads to the parent page, but you can also explore the subpages if necessary.

10. Agreements - below are two pages on working with agreements from the users and platform administrator. They contain a training video, which is also recommended to watch. Agreements allow you to set up personal sales conditions for specific buyers.

11. Legal entities - the page describes the logic of working with legal entities within one personal account on the platform.

12. Consignees - here you can find information about the Consignees module, it can be useful when placing orders, as it allows you to quickly select the desired delivery address.

13. Export of goods- this page tells about the functionality of exporting the product catalog to a file, and why it can be used.

14. Next come pages with information about setting up various marketing tools on the platform, such as promotions, news, discounts, etc. Some pages will also contain links to documents on setting them up through the admin panel.

15. Placing an order without registration - this page may have already been studied when studying the Orders section, but if not, you can study it separately. It describes the possibility for users to place an order without prior registration on the platform.

16. Main Page Builder - here you can find information about the possibilities of manual configuration of the main page of the project. The main page can be flexibly changed using the builder.

17. Marketing mailings - the page tells about the possibility of setting up mailings to users based on events on the platform.

18. Complaints - this page tells about working with complaints and their registration on the platform.

19. Chat - here we talk about the chat module, which allows you to build direct communication on the platform between the supplier or manager and the buyer.

20. Commissions on orders - this page covers the process of setting up commissions on orders. Commissions can be one of the options for monetizing the platform.

21. Below are two pages on financial documents. They have one video about this functionality, which can also be studied.

22. Electronic trading- here you can find information about the functionality of trading. Detailed information is contained in the video, which we recommend watching. The link leads to the parent page, but you can also study the nested pages about different types of purchases.

23. SRM - the link also leads to the parent page with a video about the SRM functionality, but you can also explore the subpages.

24. Multilingualism - the page tells about the possibility of localizing the platform into different languages.

25. Data bus - the link leads to a page that tells about the settings for integration with ERP systems. The link is given to the parent page, but you can also study the nested pages if necessary.

26. Integration with Bitrix 24 - here we talk about the possibility of integration with CRM systems.

27. Integration via API - the page describes the nuances of working with AgoraAPI.

28. Users and groups - this is where you can find information on working with users through the admin panel.

29. Below are the pages for setting up a supplier through his personal account and through the admin panel:

30. Below are the pages for setting up buyers through your personal account and admin panel:

31. Buyer Managers - this page tells you how to set up managers on the platform.

32. Products - this is where you can find information about administering products on the platform.

33. Loyalty program - the link leads to the parent page about setting up a loyalty program on the platform, it is also recommended to study the nested pages.

34. Below are two pages for setting up payment and delivery methods on the platform:

35. Below are two pages for setting up the order status line on the platform. These sections allow you to set up any custom status lines depending on the selected payment type.

36. Platform Settings - is a large page with basic settings that affect the platform as a whole.

37. Pages for working with document templates and letter templates on the platform:

38. Footer settings - this page discusses the possibilities for customizing the project footer.

39. Analytics - here you will find information about the features of the analytics module, which allows you to view information and graphs on users, products and orders on the platform.
