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Каталог поставщикаЗагрузка каталогаIn the My catalog section of your personal account, the supplier can upload individual products or ready-made price lists in YML, XML formats. File processing logHelps the supplier track the processing status of downloaded files with YML, XML price lists, as well as data import jobs from your ERP system. In addition, the user has access to detailed information about errors that occur during data exchange. Категории товаров поставщикаIn order for products to be displayed on the platform, the supplier must match the categories of the catalog they uploaded with the categories in Agora. The documentation will help the supplier to match categories, configure and edit them, and distribute access rights to product categories. Сопоставление товаров с эталонамиThe functionality of the reference catalog will allow you to create one product card, to which suppliers can link their offers. If the project uses this type of catalog, the instruction will help you match the products uploaded by the supplier with the reference catalog that was set up by the platform administrator. Настройка рекомендованных товаров (old)Setting up recommended productsAgora projects have implemented product recommendation functionality, which allows you to increase sales. The product card will display the recommended products you have assigned. The settings are made in the administrative panel. Каталог покупателяCatalog searchAgora provides several types of searches. Smart allows you to find products by their name, SKU, property values and text in the product description. The search is performed even in the presence of small typos and with changed word endings. Advanced - by product characteristics (for example, search by product color and size). The list of characteristics and types of widgets used are configured in the administrator's office. As well as search in the catalog of Agora products by uploading an image. Сравнение товаровThe buyer has the ability to add products from the comparison list for a more visual selection by parameters. Featured productsIf you want to save products for later review and purchase, there is a featured products feature. Предложение цены покупателемIn the case when the supplier sets the price type Negotiable, the buyer can offer his own price using the Offer price button. CartTo purchase products, the buyer needs to add them to the cart, and then checkout. Catalog demonstrationThe demo mode allows you to hide in the catalog the prices that are available to a registered user, while leaving the recommended retail price (RRP). This is necessary in cases where third-party clients get acquainted with the catalog at the supplier / buyer's office or as part of an online meeting and do not have their own access to the platform. The catalog demonstration functionality must first be enabled by the platform administrator in the administrative panel. Open catalogGives unregistered users the ability to browse the directory.