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The price type is a condition for selling a product. This is a price condition specified by the supplier and available to the buyer.

Price types on the platform allow you to personalize the prices and the list of products that will be available to different buyers. The supplier sets the default price type that will be available to buyers. In addition, a contract with personal terms can be concluded between the supplier and the buyer. The contract also indicates the type of price and it may differ from the general conditions that are available to everyone.


Price types can be configured through the supplier's personal account or through the admin panel. To do this, there is a Types of prices section in the administrative panel.

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On the page that opens, the types of prices that have been recorded on the platform will be available.

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There are 3 columns in the table with price types:

The default price type for the current vendor - this price type is selected as the default price type for the platform provider. If we are talking about a B2B portal, then there can be only one such type of price, since there is one supplier. If we are talking about a marketplace where there can be many suppliers, then this setting can be enabled for several price types of different suppliers.

RRP price type for current vendor - This price type is selected as the RRP for the vendor. RRP is the recommended retail price. It can tell shoppers what is the best price to sell goods at retail. It is not necessary to specify the RRP, but it can be useful for B2B trading.

Display prices in the catalog - shows whether the price type will be displayed in the catalog.

Each column can have 2 values:

Image RemovedImage Added- means that the setting is enabled for this price type

Image RemovedImage Added- means that the setting is disabled for this price type

Adding a price type

The Types of prices section in the admin panel serves as a reference. This means that data loaded from outside is written to it.


Price type data is downloaded from the vendor's ERP system if integration is configured.

If there is no configured integration on the platform, then price types are created when the supplier uploads products to the platform from the price list or is specified when adding products manually.

If for some reason the options for creating a price type described above are not available, then you can add a new price type through the admin panel. To do this, click the Add type of prices button, and then specify the supplier and price type name. Next, we will look at the settings for the price type in more detail.

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We recommend creating new types of prices through the supplier's personal account or by uploading from the ERP system. It is possible to use adding a price type through the panel if absolutely necessary, when other options are not available.

Changing the price type

Through the admin panel, you can make changes to the price type settings. To do this, click on its name in the first column.

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After that, a card of the selected price type will open, where you can make changes.

Deleted - this setting allows you to mark the price type as deleted.

Supplier - this field specifies the supplier to which the price type belongs.

Name - specifies the name of the price type that will be displayed to users. The name can be specified in different languages if multilingualism is enabled on the platform.

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Heading - in this field you can specify the position for the price type. The setting is used in additional logic to select the price type under equal conditions.

The settings The default price type for the current vendor, RRP price type for the current supplier, Display prices in the catalog show what parameters the selected price type has. More settings have been described above. You can change them through the provider's personal account.

To apply the changes, you need to click the Save button in the lower right corner of the page.

Deleting a price type

If a price type is no longer needed on the platform, it can be removed. To do this, select one or more price types, and then select Delete selected Types of prices from the drop-down list at the bottom left.

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Setting the default price type


The default price type is shown in the open catalog and to new customers with whom the supplier has not entered into an agreement with a personal price type.

Go to the Suppliers section in the admin panel.

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Click on the name of the desired supplier to go to his personal page, or add a new supplier by clicking on the Add button (for marketplace type sites).

The Price Types field will display the price type that was entered in advance in the Price Types section in the administrative panel (see above).

For one of the price types, check the boxes “Default price type for the current supplier” and “RRP price type for the current supplier” (RRP is the recommended retail price, this price is for informational purposes only).

Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.


In the supplier’s personal account on the website project_name.agora.ru you can also edit the established price types.

In the Settings section of the Price Types tab, you can remove price types that are not used by default.

In the Settings section on the Basic settings tab, you can change the default price type and RRP (recommended retail price) type. If you need to hide prices in an open catalogue, select the Hide prices checkbox for products with a default price type and ppc in an open catalogue.

For any changes in price types, the data is automatically synchronized in the administrative panel and in the supplier’s personal account.

Setting up individual price types

To set up individual prices with a specific buyer, in the administrative panel, go to the Catalog contracts section.

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Select the required contract or create a new one, and in the Price type field, select the desired price type for this buyer.


You can also contact AGORA technical support for questions about setting up a project.
