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The Portal settings section in the admin panel allows the platform owner to customize their project. You can also make changes as you work, if needed. All these settings are available in the admin panel and changing them does not require the involvement of additional resources of third-party specialists.

Next, we will consider in more detail what settings are in this section.

To make the necessary settings for the platform, go to the Portal settings section in the admin panel.

The settings are divided into several sections or blocks:


General settings

Favicon, website icon is the icon that is displayed for the site in the browser in the line with tabs. In this field, you can upload an image for the favicon. We recommend using a square png image sized 16x16px or 32x32px.

Placing the "Script" widget in the Project Header and Placing the "Script" widget in the Project Body - in these fields you can enter the text of the script in the header or in the body, if it is required for third-party widgets and applications. The script is placed on all pages of the AGORA platform. It is possible to place only one script in each field. Installed scripts are run in the following sequence: first header, then body.

Information about the portal

Logo in the navigation and letters panel - in this field, the logo is loaded, which will be displayed in the user's personal accounts, as well as in e-mail notifications. The recommended size for the logo is 136x30 px.

The logo on the login page - in this field, the logo is loaded, which will be displayed on the authorization page. If the image has not been uploaded, then the logo that was uploaded in the previous Logo in the navigation and letters panel will be displayed on the authorization page. The recommended size for the logo is 136x30 px.

Sign under the logo - in this field you can specify the signature that will be additionally displayed under the logo.

Title - this field specifies the name of the project, which will be displayed in the project admin panel and in the browser line.

Your phone number - in this field you can enter a phone number where you can be contacted. For example, you can specify a technical support number. This number will be displayed to unauthorized users on the main page.

Link to tech support - in this field you can specify a link by which you can directly contact technical support. This link will be displayed in the user's personal account.

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Technical Support Form - in this field you can select the form of contacting technical support. You must first create it through the Feedback Forms section in the admin panel.

E-mail of site administrators - here you can specify the e-mail addresses to which notifications from the platform will be sent.

Then there are three settings that allow you to restrict access to the platform for a while. For example, it is important to turn on the unavailability of the platform for the time when an inventory is being carried out or other internal processes that may be prevented by placing new orders by users.

Portal Unavailable - This setting makes the platform unavailable to all users. That is, no user will be able to log in to the platform, view the catalog or place an order. To apply this setting, you need to restart the platform using the Restart the queue button in the admin panel.

Stub page message text - in this field you can specify the text that will be displayed to users when the platform is unavailable.

Image page stub - here you can upload an image that will be displayed to users when the platform is unavailable. The image can accompany the text specified in the previous field, or it can be used without text.

After the inventory is completed, it is enough to turn off the Portal unavailable setting and restart the portal again.

Enable main page builder - this setting is responsible for connecting the main page builder of the project. For flexible customization of the appearance of the main page, there is a separate block of settings in the admin panel - Main Page Settings.

Company details

In this block, if necessary, you can fill in various details of the company: Company, Address, Phone, Bank, Account number, IBAN, SWIFT, President name. This data is mainly used for internal use.


Text text message to confirm phone number - in this field you can specify the text that will be sent in bulk SMS messages. This field will be relevant if the project has an additional account confirmation by phone number. Messages are sent by default using the Smstraffic service.

Search panel

Extended search panel in the Catalog - there are three values ​​in the drop-down list: Completely disabled, Enabled hidden by default, Enabled shown by default. Depending on the selected value, you can adjust the display of the panel for advanced search in the catalog. Through this panel, you can search for products in the catalog by properties.

Default search currency - this field is filled with the currency that will be used by default when searching the catalog.

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Currency used in the search - in this field you can specify additional currencies for which the search for goods will be available.

Minimum price for search and Maximum price for search - in these fields, the price range for searching products is filled.

Category panel

Category panel in the catalog - there are also three values in the drop-down list: Completely disabled, Enabled hidden by default, Enabled shown by default. Depending on the selected value, the category panel in the product catalog will be hidden or displayed.

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Sidebar type - in the drop-down list, you can choose from two values: Simple sidebar or Advanced sidebar. The visual display differs slightly for these options.

Show the number of products in a category - this setting controls whether the quantity of products in each category will be indicated or not.

Show the number of product in the filters of the product - this setting controls whether the product quantity will be displayed in product property filters or not.

Additional panel

Additional panel with your content - there are three values in the drop-down list: Completely disabled, Enabled hidden by default, Enabled shown by default. Depending on the selected value, a panel with additional content can be displayed or hidden in the user's personal account. It is displayed above the categories panel.

Name of the additional panel - this field specifies the name of the panel with additional content that will be displayed in the user's personal accounts.


Type of display products in the directory by default - there are 3 values in the drop-down list: Table, List, Grid. Depending on the selected value, the products in the catalog in the personal accounts of users will take on the specified display type. If necessary, the user can change the view of the catalog display in his personal account manually.

Products sorting by default - this field sets the sorting that will be automatically applied in the catalog for all users. You can sort in ascending or descending order by the following data: Price, Name, Popularity, Newest, Article, Availability of photo. If necessary, the user can set the sorting of products he needs manually.

Increasinf product popularity - this field specifies the value for automatic popularity growth, and further, when placing an order for a product, its popularity will automatically increase by the growth value. The popularity parameter is relevant when sorting products by popularity. With the help of automatic increase in popularity, you can display the most popular products to customers at the top of the list. If it is necessary that the popularity of products does not change when placing orders, then you need to set the growth value to "0".

Title block related products - this title will be displayed in the product card for the block with recommended products.

Show pictures of modifications on the item card - this setting controls whether images uploaded for modifications will be displayed in the main product card.

Catalog Display Modes - this setting also has three display options: Table, List, Grid. The setting controls which display modes will be available to users for selection in the product catalog.

Catalog Demo Mode - responsible for displaying the demonstration mode in the catalog. This is a mode in which the prices of products are hidden. It can be used by buyers to demonstrate to their customers. To hide product prices, just check the Demonstration checkbox.

Merchandise Export Preferences for Buyers

Properties when exporting - in this field you can select those properties that should be written and uploaded in the export file. Export is used by buyers to upload product data to a file and then upload it to trading platforms.

Export formats of goods - this setting allows you to select those goods export formats that should be available to buyers in your personal account.


Hide the shared catalog from suppliers - the setting is responsible for hiding the catalogs of suppliers from each other, that is, they will not be able to see the products and prices of other suppliers. 


Property values - exception for discounts - in this field, you can select property values that will exclude the product from the discount action. That is, if the product has at least one of the property values specified in this field, then the discount will not be applied to it.

Types of prices - exceptions for discounts - in this field you can specify those types of prices for which discounts will not apply.

Interest rate - this field indicates the percentage for remuneration

Email sending control

Delete email logs after N days - here you can specify the period of storage of e-mail notifications. After this period, the logs about sending notifications will be deleted.

Data exchange

This section configures the display of data packages, deletion of tasks and errors when exchanging data with other information systems.

Delete import tasks after N days - specifies the number of days after which packages are removed from the exchange queue. This data is displayed in the administrative panel, section Exchange queue.

Delete synchronization errors after N days - indicates the number of days after which errors that occurred during the exchange with external accounting systems are deleted. Data on errors is displayed in the administrative panel, section Sync errors.

Show downloaded packages for last N days - specifies the number of days after which import packages are deleted. This data is displayed in the administrative panel, section Exchange packages Import.

Show unloaded packages for the last N days - specifies the number of days after which export packages are deleted. This data is displayed in the administrative panel, section Exchange packages Export.

Enter the site

Agreement file "Terms of processing personal data" on the authorization page - in this field, you can upload a file with the conditions for processing personal data to be displayed to the user during authorization on the platform.

Agreement file "Terms of processing personal data" on the registration page - in this field, you can upload a file with the conditions for processing personal data to be displayed to the user when registering on the platform.

Privacy policy file - in this field you can upload a file with your privacy policy for display after authorization on the platform and during registration.

If the files have not been uploaded, then users will be shown the standard conditions for the processing of personal data and the standard privacy policy.

Currency of products and orders in the open catalog - in this field, you can specify the currency that will be used in the open catalog, for example, when placing an order without registration.

Rating system

Supplier rating - setting includes a rating system for suppliers.

Manual vendor rating - the setting works only in conjunction with the previous setting.

Default score - This field specifies what rating will be assigned to orders that have not been rated by users.

Cart table section settings

Hide categories in the order, Hide modifications in the order, Hide warehouse in the order, Hide delivery time, Hide payment term - these settings allow you to hide certain data from the order card in the Cart and in the Orders section.

Display the percentage of shipment in Orders, Show the status of the position in ERP in the order, Show the "Consignee" column in the order next to the order lines - these settings allow you to display additional data on the order in the buyer's personal account in the Cart and in the Orders section.

Displaying information pages in the navigation menu

Displaying information pages in the navigation menu - there are three values in the drop-down list: Completely Disabled, Menu options, Above Menu. The selected value controls where exactly the Information block will be located.

Product moderation

Turn on product moderation on the portal - this setting allows you to enable product moderation functionality. Product moderation is an element of the PIM system. It allows the platform manager to check the product before it is published in the buyer's catalog.

Fields in the product - in this setting, you can select a set of fields for re-moderation, that is, if one of the selected fields for the product changes, it will be sent for re-moderation.

Google Analytics

In this section, you can set up tracking site traffic statistics using Google Analytics. Here you need to specify the Account ID GA and Domain of GA site.


Information on creating complaints - in this field you can type text with instructions for users. For example, you can specify which documents must be attached or the time for the complaint to be processed. This information will be displayed when making product return requests. The text must contain no more than 1000 characters.

Open catalog order settings

Order from the open part of the catalog - this setting controls the ability to place an order without registration for legal entities and individuals.

Storage time for carts of the open part, without placing an order (days) - here you can specify the number of days during which the basket will be stored, even if the order has not been placed.

Templates of complaints

Templates of complaints - In this field, you can upload files with an example of filing complaints. The template will be displayed when making requests for the return of products. Several templates can be uploaded, but we recommend using no more than 5 files and each should be up to 10 mb in size.

Elements of your content for the Additional Panel

In the last block, you can configure additional content elements if their output has been connected.

To add your content elements to the additional panel, you need to specify the URL of the page, and then you can upload an image and fill in the Text for link field. Text can be specified in different languages ​​if multilanguage is used. In New window setting allows you to open the page in a new window without leaving the platform page.

To save all the changes made, click the Save button in the lower right corner of the page.


If you have any questions about using or configuring the functionality, please contact AGORA technical support.
