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The Orders section in the administrative area allows you to view information for each order and make changes (for example, manually transfer the order status, synchronize with the ERP system).

This section is available to users with administrator rights.

To open this section, in the administrative panel located at project_name.agora.ru/admin, go to the Orders section.

A table will appear with all orders placed in your personal account:

The table contains the following columns:

ID - unique order number on the platform.

Number - order number for a specific customer.

Supplier - the name of the supplier for whose goods the order was made.

Order number - order number assigned by the ERP system. To be filled in if integration is configured.

Status - current order status. A new order means that the items are still in the cart and have not been processed. This order is not assigned a number.

Buyer - the name of the buyer who placed the order.

Sum - order amount.

Creation date - the date the order was created.

Closing date - the order closing date. Filled in when the order changes to Closed status.

When you click on the order ID, you can view the order data:

Synchronization needed - (we do not recommend installing this checkbox yourself; if any order is not uploaded to the Agora System, you should contact technical support) when installing this checkbox, orders will be resent if the order information is not returned back from ERP systems. This function is important when working with several ERP systems at once.

Synchronized - the checkbox is set if the order was successfully synchronized with the accounting system.

Synchronization date - the date and time when the order was synchronized with the ERP system.

Supplier - the name of the supplier for whose goods the order is placed.

Buyer - the name of the buyer who placed the order.

E-mail of the anonymous user, Phone number of the anonymous user - data of the user who placed the order, if it was placed without registration. Relevant for projects with an open catalog and the ability to place an order without registration.

User - data of the user who placed the order.

Order number - order number assigned by the ERP system. To be filled in if integration is configured.

Status - current order status. A new order means that the items are still in the cart and have not been processed. This order is not assigned a number.

Comment - comment on the order, if it has been completed.

Terms of delivery, Error description, Delivery address, Delivery address fields, Number of departure - order delivery data.

Sum - the amount of the order that was downloaded from the 1C system.

Paid amount - the amount paid for the order.

Payment percentage - percentage of payment for the order.

Currency - the currency of the order.

Payment method - the method of payment for the order specified when placing it.

Payment type - payment type for the order. The type of payment determines the status line along which the order will move further.

Prepayment percent - the percentage of prepayment of the order. Relevant for the prepaid status line.

Delay in payment (days) - the number of days to defer payment for the order.

Grade days type - type of deferred days: bank, calendar or working days.

Organization - the organization that placed the order.

Delivery method - the method of delivery of goods specified when placing an order.

Number of purchase - the field is filled in if the order was created on the basis of a concluded contract after the purchase. Placing an order based on the purchase result refers to the SRM system.

Desired date of shipment - desired date of shipment. To be completed when placing an order.

Estimated delivery date - the delivery date obtained from the ERP system.

Closing date - the order closing date. Filled in when the order changes to Closed status.

Consignee - the consignee of the order, filled in when placing an order by the buyer.

Delivery time - the date of delivery of the order.

Due date - date of payment for the order.

Value discount for the order amount, % - if a discount on the order amount as a percentage was applied to the order, it will be recorded in this field.

The discount value for the order amount, fixed - if a fixed discount on the order amount was applied to the order, it will be indicated in this field.

Manager - the manager to whom the order belongs.

Payer, Email, Phone, City, Consignee warehouse - recipient's details.

Признак загрузки из внешней системы - если заказ был загружен из внешней системы, а не сформирован на платформе, то этот параметр будет заполнен.

Промокод - при применении промокода к заказу, он будет указан в этом поле.

Заморозка цен в корзине - если заказ еще не был оформлен и находится в корзине, то будет включена эта настройка.

Черновик - если заказ перемещен в черновики, то настройка будет включена.

Отправлен запрос на оценку - если по заказу отправлен запрос на его оценку, то настройка будет включена.

Название черновика - если заказ добавлен в черновики, то название черновика будет заполнено в этом поле.

Источник заказа - показывает был ли заказ оформлен на платформе или нет.

Approved by - пользователь, подтвердивший заказ при приемке.

Подтверждение статуса покупателем, Подтверждение статуса продавцом - если линейка статусов подразумевает подтверждение заказа со стороны покупателя и продавца, то эти поля будут заполняться в зависимости от наличия подтверждений. 

Внутренний номер документов покупателя - номер документов у покупателя.

Внутренний номер документов поставщика - номер документов у поставщика.

Номер спецификации - номер спецификации по заказу.

Договор загружается вручную - устанавливается, если была выбрана загрузка договора вручную при оформлении заказа.

Спецификация загружается вручную - устанавливается, если была выбрана загрузка спецификации вручную при оформлении заказа.

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Дополнительная информация - блок с дополнительной информацией.

Процент отгрузки - если заказ отгружается частями, то в этом поле указан процент отгрузки заказа.

Хеш заказа - уникальный идентификатор объекта. Может быть использован при передаче данных в сторонние системы.

Был ли заказ создан с разными грузополучателями - устанавливается, если в заказе было выбрано несколько грузополучателей.

Sum - сумма заказа.

Договор - договор, по которому был оформлен заказ.

Supplement agreement - дополнительное соглашение к договору.

Сумма заказа с учетом комиссии - поле актуально при использовании комиссий на платформе.

Сумма комиссий - поле актуально при использовании комиссий на платформе.

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Далее идет отдельный блок Позиции, где дана информация по всем позициям заказа.

  • Modification - модификация заказанного товара.
  • Product - наименование самого товара.
  • Warehouse - склад, с которого был заказан товар.
  • Количество - заказанное количество.
  • Ед. измерения - единицы измерения количества товара.
  • Цена - цена, по которой был оформлен заказ.
  • Sum - сумма заказа по позиции.
  • Ставка НДС - ставка НДС, применяемая к этому товару.
  • Commission percent - процент комиссии.
  • Total commission - размер комиссии.
  • Sum with commission - сумма с учетом комиссии.

Подарочные позиции - в этом блоке указаны позиции, которые идут в подарок, согласно условиям скидки.

  • Modification - модификация подарочной позиции.
  • Product - наименование самого подарочного товара.
  • Warehouse - склад, с которого позиция будет отгружена.
  • Количество - количество подарочных позиций.

Связь orderdocument-order - хранимые в рамках заказа документы

Sign of download from an external system - if the order was loaded from an external system and not generated on the platform, then this parameter will be filled in.

Promocode - when applying a promotional code to an order, it will be indicated in this field.

Freeze prices in the cart - if the order has not yet been placed and is in the cart, this setting will be enabled.

Draft - if the order is moved to drafts, the setting will be enabled.

Evaluation request sent - if a request for evaluation has been sent for an order, the setting will be enabled.

Draft title - if the order is added to drafts, then the draft title will be filled in this field.

Order origin - shows whether the order was placed on the platform or not.

Approved by - the user who confirmed the order upon acceptance.

Confirmation of status by the buyer, Confirmation of status by the seller - if the status line implies confirmation of the order by the buyer and seller, then these fields will be filled in depending on the availability of confirmations.

Internal number of the buyer's documents - the number of the buyer's documents.

Internal number of the supplier's document - number of documents from the supplier.

Specification number - specification number for the order.

The contract is downloaded manually - set if you selected to download the contract manually when placing an order.

The specification is loaded manually - set if you selected to download the specification manually when placing an order.

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Additional information - a block with additional information.

Shipment percentage  - if the order is shipped in parts, then this field indicates the percentage of shipment of the order.

Order hash is a unique object identifier. Can be used when transferring data to third-party systems.

Whether the order was created with different consignees is determined if several consignees were selected in the order.

Sum - order amount.

Agreement - the agreement under which the order was placed.

Supplement agreement - an additional agreement to the contract.

Order amount including commission - this field is relevant when using commissions on the platform.

Commission amount - this field is relevant when using commissions on the platform.

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Next comes a separate Items block, which provides information on all order items.

  • Modification - modification of the ordered product.
  • Product - the name of the product itself.
  • Warehouse - the warehouse from which the goods were ordered.
  • Quantity - the quantity ordered.
  • Unit measurements - units of measurement of the quantity of goods.
  • Price - the price at which the order was placed.
  • Sum - order amount for the item.
  • VAT rate - the VAT rate applied to this product.
  • Commission percent - commission percentage.
  • Total commission - commission size.
  • Sum with commission - amount including commission.

Gift positions - this block indicates items that are included as a gift, according to the terms of the discount.

  • Modification - modification of the gift item.
  • Product - the name of the gift product itself.
  • Warehouse - the warehouse from which the item will be shipped.
  • Quantity - the number of gift items.

Orderdocument-order relationship - documents stored within the order

Order amounts - this block indicates the currency and order amountСуммы заказов - в этом блоке указана валюта и сумма заказа.


If there is integration with an ERP system, all changes must be made on the accounting system side. Manually changing data on the platform is not recommended.
