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Sv translation

В AGORA реализована возможность гибкой настройки поиска по каталогу.

Существует 2 вида поиска:

ФункционалОписание функционала
Интеллектуальный поиск

Текстовый поиск с использованием семантического поиска по аналогии с поисковой машиной Яндекса (применяется поисковая машина ElasticSearch). Данный поиск позволяет находить товары по их названию, артикулу, названию характеристик (параметров) и тексту в описании товара. Поиск производится даже при наличии небольших опечаток и изменении окончаний слова.

Параметризированный поиск

Поиск по характеристикам товаров (например, поиск по цвету и размеру товара).
Список характеристик и виды используемых виджетов настраиваются в кабинете администратора.

Поиск по изображениюПоиск в каталоге товаров на портале Agora по загружаемому изображению.

Sv translation

AGORA implements the ability to flexibly customize the catalog search.

There are 3 types of search:


Text search.

The first type of search allows you to search for products in the catalog by their name or article. It does not require configuration and works by default.

To use a text search for catalog products, just enter the name/article of the product in the search line, which is available in the Catalog section:

Parameterized search

This type of search allows you to more flexibly customize the search conditions by setting the parameters of the required product.

To open the form for specifying the required parameters of products, you must click on the Advanced search button, which is available to the right of the text search line:

The window that opens will contain more and more specified search parameters:

Activation of the "Advanced Search" button is carried out in the administrative panel of the project, available at the address: project_address.agora.ru/admin 

After logging into the admin panel, go to the Portal Settings section located at the bottom of the main page of the admin panel:

In the portal settings, go to the Search panel section, where you can:

  • Disable the advanced search bar/Activate and hide by default/Activate and display the advanced search form by default.
  • Set the default currency to be used in advanced search.
  • Add/remove currencies by which products can be searched.
  • Set the minimum price to be used in advanced search.
  • Set the maximum price that will be used in advanced search.

After configuring the search parameters, click the Save button for the changes to take effect.

To set up nitration conditions by product properties, log in to the admin panel and go to the Product properties section:

The opened page will contain the names of the parameters and their values.

In this section you can:

  • View all product property values.
  • Add a new property manually by clicking the Add product property button at the top of the section.
  • Activate/deactivate the ability to display the product in the product card or in the catalog.
  • Set the display order of product properties, for example, if several properties are displayed in the product card - the larger the number, the higher this property will be displayed in the list of properties.
  • Set additional product properties that will be displayed in the Additional properties section.

To set up an advanced search, you must click on the name of the property and go to its card. In the window that opens, you can:

  • Change the name of a product property.
  • Load property image.
  • Change/specify the category of products to which the property will be applied.
  • Set property group and unit of measure.
  • Change the display order of properties.
  • Activate the ability to display properties as a drop-down list.
  • Activate the display of the property in the list of all advanced search properties.
  • Add a product property to the list of product modification filters.
  • Activate the option to exclude missing items from the list of properties.
  • Assign the property of products to additional properties.
  • Activate/deactivate the display of product properties in the product card/catalog.

To add a specific parameter that will be used in the search in the catalog of products, you need to "fail" in the specific parameter and in the page that opens, check the Show in catalog search checkbox:

After saving the changes made, the selected parameter will be displayed when you click on the Advanced search button, which is displayed next to the search bar.

Smart search

It allows you to search for matches regardless of the endings of words and their number in the query, which allows you to display the most suitable results.

You can also set up a search for a query with spelling and semantic errors, or set search synonyms.

To analyze the used search queries, you need to go to the Search History section, which is available in the administrative panel of the project:

This section shows which users made the same request, how many times, when was the last request, and whether a result was received.