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Sv translation

The Products section of the administrative panel contains information about all products uploaded by suppliers in any way, and also allows you to create products, modify them, sort and perform bulk operations.


Item management

In the Products section, the platform administrator can search, sort and filter products, as well as perform bulk operations.

The table contains the most important information about the products. In addition to the articles and names of goods, the table contains the following data: product category, supplier category, reference to the standard, total balance, the product is hidden or not in AGORA, whether the product is a standard, whether the product is placed on the site and the status of its last indexing. More details about the purpose of the table columns are described below, in the Product information section.

If you know the name or article number of the product, use the search bar.

After pressing the button, all relevant results will be shown.

You can change the order and priority with sorting. The first time you click on the column header in the table, the products will be sorted by the selected value in ascending order, the second time they are sorted in descending order. In addition, sorting can be removed by clicking on the « button.

To sort by multiple features, click on them in the table header in order from lowest to highest priority.

To use filtering, click on the Filter drop-down menu, and then select the parameters by which you want to filter products.

After selecting the parameters, only those products that meet the selected criteria will remain in the list.


By default, the product table is sorted by ID. Products that appeared last on the platform are displayed at the top of the table. The earlier in time the product was created, the lower it is in the list.

In cases where you need to change any setting for several products, use bulk operations. To do this, select the desired products using the checkboxes, and then the mass operation that you want to apply to them:

  • Delete selected products — the selected products will be removed from the platform.
  • Download in XLS format — a table will be generated from the selected products and downloaded to your PC.
  • Make reference — the selected products will become reference.
  • Make non-reference — the selected products will no longer be reference.
  • Clone to reference and link — copies of the selected products will be created. Copies of goods will become standards and will be tied to the originals.
  • Hide products — the selected products will no longer be displayed in the catalog.
  • Do not hide products — the selected products will be displayed in the catalog.


It is highly not recommended to create products manually from the administrative panel, since you will not be able to configure all the necessary data to display the product in the catalog! It is better to use the manual creation of goods in the personal account of the supplier.


Product information

Information about each product is in its card. To view or change them, go to the Products section.

In the table that opens, click on the article or name of the product you are interested in.

The edit product page opens.

Hide products in AGORA — checkbox, when checked, the product will not be displayed in the buyer's catalog.

Reference — when you select the checkbox, the product will become a reference. If you do not work with the reference catalog or do not want to make the product a reference, leave the checkbox empty.

The state of the business process "Posting" — shows whether the product is posted on the platform.

Supplier category — the category that was assigned to the product when unloading from the supplier's system/file. Using the button, you can change the category that the product belongs to.

Category — the category on the AGORA site in which the product is located. Using the button you can move the product to another category.

Vendor code — unloaded from supplier's system/file, but can be changed manually.

Internal article number — if you want to assign internal articles to products, please contact AGORA technical support or your manager.

Name — the main name of the product, as well as its translations into the languages ​​connected on the platform.

Description — description of the product and its translations.

VAT rate — the rate of value added tax that is levied on the purchase of goods.

Nomenclature type — shows whether the product is a product or a service.

Reference to the reference product card — if the product is linked to the reference card, the field contains a link to it.

Related Products — using the search bar, you can add or change the list of products that you can offer to purchase additionally along with the main product.

Items-Analogs — using the search bar, you can add or change the list of products that can be purchased if the main product is out of stock.


The logic for setting up related products or analogue products is as follows:

  • If the main product is in stock, then related products will be displayed for it. It can be, for example, some consumables or goods that can be bought in addition to the main one. That is, the buyer will be able to purchase the main product and immediately purchase additional goods on it.
  • If the main product is out of stock, similar products will be displayed. These may be similar products, but with differences in some properties. That is, when the buyer cannot purchase the main product, then available analogues that he can purchase at the moment will be displayed for him.

Related products and analogues will be displayed in the product card in the recommended block. Since there is only one output block, either related products or analogue products can be displayed for each product. In this case, you can fill in both fields at once, or just one.

The name of the block for displaying these products can be changed through the Plattform settings section in the admin panel.Image Removed

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Measure — the base unit of measure that is displayed in the catalog. By default, the unit of measure is set to piece (pcs).

Measures — additional units of measure. Read more about units of measurement in this article.

Product template — if the project uses product templates, you can add an existing product to the product or create a new one using the “+” icon.

Product popularity — calculated automatically if popularity gain is configured. Each time a product is added to a checkout, its popularity increases. If necessary, the popularity value can be filled in manually.

Total balance — the total quantity of goods in all warehouses.

Date and time of last item alteration - this field records the date and time of the last change for the product.

If a product has several modifications, for example, one model is presented in several colors or sizes, add them by clicking on the Add another Modification button or by clicking on the «+» sign.Image Removed

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In cases where the product has only the Base modification, it must contain balances and prices. When a product has additional modifications, there should be no balances and prices in the Base.

It is also possible to change the modification. 

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When you click on the Edit button, a window will open in which you can make the necessary changes.

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Already added modifications can be deleted using the «x» button to the right of the modification line.

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On the product modifications page you can change the following fields:

Deleted - mark for deleting the modification.

Product - the name of the product with which the modification is associated.

Base - whether the modification is basic. A product can have only one basic modification.

Name - the name of the modification.

Barcode - field for specifying the barcode, if any, for modification.

Modification article - a unique modification article.

The minimum order quantity is the minimum number of units of a given product that can be purchased. If you try to buy a smaller quantity of an item than the specified quantity, an error message will appear (for example, the minimum quantity is 2 pieces, but there is 1 piece in the cart).

The order multiplicity is the number of units of goods in a “package” or “pack”, i.e. You can only buy a multiple of this number of goods, otherwise an error message will appear.

Description - description of the modification, if present.

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  • In the Properties block, you can add properties that relate specifically to this modification, and not to the entire product, if any.
  • The Prices block has 5 fields:
    • Price type field - the name of the price type is written here.
    • Agreements - if the price is tied to a contract, then the name of the contract will be indicated here.
    • Currency - a field with a choice of added types of currencies.
    • Field Price currency - a field for setting the price value for the selected currency and the selected price type.
    • The Price field is the previously set price value.
  • Remains block - for adding product remnants, indicating the series, storage warehouse and the number of remnants. Field Binary - the checkbox should be checked if in the settings of the supplier’s Personal Account in the Display of balances field the value Show many/little/out of stock was set.
  • In the Images block, pay attention to the Source field. When uploading images, the Source field must always be filled in (you can write any characters, the main thing is that this field is not empty).
  • In the Documentation block, you can add additional files, for example, instructions or certificates, if they relate to a specific modification.

Already added modifications can be deleted using the «x» button to the right of the modification line.

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If If necessary, add SEO parameters to the product.Image Removed

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In addition, you can add Properties, Series, Files and Tags for a product, similar to modifications.

Properties — used to describe the product in more detail. These may be key parameters by which it will be easier for the buyer to navigate when choosing.

Series — product series are displayed. You can manually add a new series.

Files — if necessary, upload additional product photos or related documents.

Tags — if the project uses product tagging, select the required tags or add new ones using the «+» button.

After completing the settings, click the Save button.


If you have any questions about connecting the functionality, please contact AGORA technical support.
