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Hardware (minimum requirements)
B2B portal
Application Server + DB
- CPU: from 4 Cores
- RAM: from 16 GB
- HDD: from 50 GB SSD
Productive operation
Database server
- CPU: from 8 Cores
- RAM: from 32 GB
- HDD: from 120 GB SSD
MVP (Hypothesis Testing or Startup)
Database Server + Application
- CPU: from 8 Cores
- RAM: from 32 GB
- HDD: from 250 GB SSD
Applications server
- CPU: from 8 Cores
- RAM: from 16 GB
- HDD: from 250 GB
Backup storage 500 GB HDD
Backup storage 250 GB HDD
- Ubuntu 16.04 (and later), CentOS, RedHat
Additional server software
- nginx
- git
- python-setuptools python-dev
- postgresql-9.3 postgresql-contrib-9.3
- postgresql-server-dev-9.3
- libxslt1-dev libxml2-dev
- libjpeg-dev libfreetype6
- libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev
- pip install psycopg2
- pip install gunicorn
Additional packages
- easy_install virtualenv
- easy_install pip
For correct operation, we recommend using browsers whose versions are not specified:
- IE - 11
- Edge - 38.14393
- Firefox - 49.0
- Chrome - 55.0.2883
- Safari - 10.1.2
- Opera - 42.0
- Yandex.Browser - 17.1.1
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