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In projects integrated with 1C, it is possible to set up and automate the assignment of discounts to customers depending on the amount of orders.


Setting up a loyalty program in 1C

To set up a loyalty program, you can use discounts that are tied to the accumulated sales volume. To create your own loyalty program, in 1C open the section Скидки(наценки). Select tab Условия предоставления → За наколенный объем продаж.

Image RemovedImage Added

On the tab Основное, enter a name for the discount.

Then specify its size.

In the section Условия предоставления скидки, set the amount for which you need to purchase the product in order to receive a discount.

Order status for adding to the loyalty program

Next, you need to set the order status under which it will be taken into account in the loyalty program. To do this, in the administrative panel you need to go to the Order Status Compliance.

Select the status in which the order will be added to the loyalty program by clicking on it. Most often, this status is Paid. Please note that there may be several such statuses. For example, Paid with prepaid and postpaid. In this case, it will be necessary to set the checkbox Consider the order in the loyalty program in each of them, and then Save changes.

Selection of individual products in Agora

Further, in the Программа лояльности section of the Agora administrative panel, when creating/editing a loyalty program level, you can mark the products for which a discount will be provided.

If the products are selected, the discount will only apply to the selected products. If the products are not selected, then the loyalty program discount will apply to all products of the buyer.

Upload format during integration

The format for unloading the promotional discount of the item is indicated in the table.

When integrating with 1C, for the functionality to work, it is necessary to make changes to the format for unloading discounts (table Simple Item Discount) by adding the tag unloading to it:

<ПрограммаЛояльности>0 или 1</ПрограммаЛояльности> 

If the value 0 is uploaded in the <ПрограммаЛояльности> tag, then the discount refers to regular discounts. If the value 1 is uploaded in the <ПрограммаЛояльности> tag, then the discount is included in the loyalty program.


Finalization of unloading can be performed by your 1C specialist.
You can also contact your manager to agree on the terms of work by our specialists, or by sending an email to help@agora.ru 
