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There are two types of categories on the AGORA platform: internal supplier categories and platform product categories. Next, we will take a closer look at setting up platform product categories.

The platform product categories are the category tree that was created by the administrator. It is formed by the platform owner and depends on the type of project and industry.

The presence of two types of categories allows you to implement different scenarios for setting up the platform. For example, on a B2B portal, the supplier can upload his goods to the site, and the category tree that is in his accounting system will be recorded on the portal. Then he can clone the tree of internal categories and the portal will have an identical tree of categories. If he wants to implement a category structure that is different from what he has in his accounting system, then this can also be implemented through manually adding categories and this will be a different scenario. And on the marketplace, the platform owner independently creates a category tree on the portal, and then suppliers must compare their categories with those entered on the portal by the owner so that their products are displayed for buyers.

Consider setting up categories from the admin panel.


To set up platform categories, go to the Products Categories section in the admin panel.

Cloning categories

In the Product categories section, you can create the category tree that will be displayed on the platform, or you can clone the tree of internal categories from the ERP system. Cloning the tree of internal categories is relevant mainly for B2B portals. To start the cloning process, you must click the Clone Inner catalog tree button.

After the cloning process is completed, the same categories will appear in the Products Categories section as in the Inner Categories section.

Adding a category

If the option of cloning internal categories is not suitable and you need to create a separate tree of categories on the platform, then you can add them manually. To create a category manually, you need to click on the Add Products Category button.

On the page that opens, fill in the parameters for the category.

Parent category - in this field you can specify which parent category the generated category belongs to. Filling in this field is relevant if a nested category is created that has a parent. If a top-level category is being created, then this field is not required.

Name - this field contains the name of the category. It can be specified in different languages ​​for platforms using multilingualism. The name of the category will be displayed in the personal accounts of users.

Category type - in the drop-down list there are two values ​​Product and Service. The category type determines what objects it will include - products or services.

Hide category in Agora - this setting allows you to hide the product category from all users of the platform. If the setting is enabled, then the category itself and all products in this category will be hidden from buyers and suppliers.

Hidden to buyers - in this field you can select specific buyers for whom the category will be hidden. This setting is used if the category should not be hidden from everyone, but only from some customers.

Image - in this field you can upload an image that will be displayed next to the category in the Catalog tab in the center of the page.

Inactive icon - in this field you can upload an image for an icon that will be displayed in the list of categories on the left side of the Catalog page.

Active icon - in this field you can upload an image for the icon that will be displayed in the list of categories on the left side of the Catalog page, when this category is selected.

Users - in this field, you can specify the users for whom the category will be available. This setting works in a similar way to the hide category setting, but the difference is that it saves time on hiding if you only need to display the category for a few users.

Min. order price - in this field you can specify the minimum amount for ordering goods from this category. The buyer will not be able to order goods from this category for an amount less than specified in the field.

Email for order notifications - in this field you can specify the email addresses to which notifications will be sent when ordering a product from this category. If you need to send notifications to several email addresses, then each address must be specified on a new line.

Column pop-up sidebar - This this setting is currently deprecated and will be removed in a future update.

Serial number of the category - this field can display the category serial number, if it has one. This field is used when the functionality for generating internal SKUs works.

Next comes the settings block with SEO parameters.

In this settings block, you can specify data for search engine optimization of a product category: Meta-title, Meta-keywords, Meta-description, Page title, Signature of page, Seo text, Extras. information. This data can be filled in to improve the quality of search results. The completed data will not be displayed on the platform, but will be used for SEO optimization.

After filling in all the necessary parameters, you need to save the new category. To do this, click the Save button in the lower right corner of the page.

After saving, the new category will appear in the list.

Changing categories

Any category can be changed if necessary. To do this, you need to hover over the line with the category, then the Change button will appear on the right side of the line, you need to click on this button.

After that, a category card will open in which you can make changes. The available category settings were discussed above in more detail.

In addition to changing the settings of the category itself, you can also change their order using the Drag-and-Drop functionality. To do this, hover over the line with the category. After that, a button with three horizontal stripes will appear on the right side, just drag it and move the category to a new location.

Removing categories

To delete a product category, select it, and then select Delete selected Products Categories from the drop-down list at the bottom left of the page.

In addition to deletion, you can also Download in XLS format. After that, an XLS file with the selected categories will be generated.

Categories can be configured by the platform owner through the admin panel. However, the supplier from his personal account can also perform category settings, for example, adjust their correspondence. For more information about setting up categories on the supplier side, see a separate page.


If you have any questions about setting up your project, please contact Agora technical support.
