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Sv translation

The Buyers section of the AGORA administrative panel allows you to manage the table of buyers, as well as set up buyer cards.


Buyer management

To go to the section, click on the Buyers button in the administrative panel.

A table will open with the most important customer information.

If you are interested in a specific buyer, you can use the search.

In cases where you want to display only existing or only deleted customers, apply a filter.

There is also the possibility of deleting, restoring and deleting without the possibility of restoring one or more buyers. To do this, select buyers using checkboxes, and then select an action from the bulk operations panel.

Delete — customers will be deleted, but you can restore them. You can show deleted profiles in the table using the Show all filter, including deleted ones.

Restore — deleted customers will be restored.

Permanently delete  — deletion without the possibility of recovery.


Customers deleted using the Permanently delete button cannot be restored.

The Buyer column displays the name of the buyer, it can be either a company or an individual.

Next are the columns related to synchronization with ERP-systems.

Synchronized — if the buyer is synchronized, the con will be displayed, if not synchronized, theicon will be displayed.

Synchronization needed — if synchronization is not required, theicon will be displayed, if synchronization is required, theicon will be displayed.

Synchronization date — this field displays the date of the last synchronization if the integration is connected.

May make orders — by default, all customers can place orders, but the platform administrator can manually restrict this ability. To prohibit or allow the buyer to order goods, go to the buyer's card by clicking on his name, and then uncheck or select the checkbox.

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If the checkbox May make orders is cleared, the buyer will have access to all actions on the site, including adding goods to the cart, except for placing orders.

Buyer setup

In the buyer's card, you can view information and make any changes.

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Synchronization required — if the buyer needs to synchronize, the checkbox will be set.

Edit company - when you click on the button, a window for changing the buyer's company will open. If the buyer is an individual, the button will be absent.

Can place orders - Turn the ability to place orders on or off.

Buyer Groups - You can add a buyer to one or more user groups.

Amount to be accounted for in the loyalty program —

Delivery days - use the checkboxes to select the days on which the goods will be delivered.

Sv translation