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Sv translation



This section is only available to suppliers.

As indicated in the article Comparison of downloaded goods with reference goods, the functionality of the module is connected upon request and allows you to compare the goods loaded by the Supplier with reference goods.

Availability of product standards

In order to make sure that the product samples are loaded, go to the Products section in the administrative panel and check the Samples column in the general list of products.

A green checkmark symbol in this column indicates that the product is a benchmark.


Reference goods are goods that are not tied to a Supplier, an internal category, and also do not have prices and stocks.

Download supplier's products

We create a price list in which the names of goods differ by several letters from the reference ones (to check the correctness of loading goods and comparing them with references)

Uploading the price list in the Supplier's personal account

Products loaded

Create match lists

Let's create a list of matches for products. To do this, go to the Compliance lists section of the administrative panel.

To create a match list, click on the Add match list button

When creating a match list, you must specify:

  • Title - name of the list
  • Indexing backend - the entity of the data to be checked against which the matches will be checked.
  • Type of files to search for matches - choose to check Products or Categories.
  • User - select the user under which the data was loaded for indexing.

You need to add search fields. In the case of searching by the name of the goods, you must select the Name and save the changes.

After saving the changes, a notification will be shown that the list was added successfully.

As a result, a list for products was created

Go to the created list of categories and click on the Get categories button

A notification will be displayed when categories are received

Match category indexing

After you start getting categories, you need to go to the Category Matches section in the administrative panel

and check that the categories are added and there is a check-box Category is indexed

Start indexing

To start indexing, click on its name in the Compliance Lists section

On the page that opens, click on the Index Source button

After the indexing of the source has started, a notification will be shown about the start of data indexing

Finding matches

To search for matches in lists, you need to go to a specific list (for example, Goods) and click the Find Matches button

After running the Match Search, a notification will be shown

Process valid objects

To process correct objects, you need to go to the match list settings

and click the Process Valid Objects button

After running the command, a notification about its launch will be shown

Match processing statuses

You can see the processing logs for each task in the Compliance processing statuses section of the administrative panel

The logs show the following data:

  • Comparison List
  • Process
  • Status
  • Percent complete
  • Update date

Checking Found Matches

To check the found matches, go to the Results of created matches section of the administrative panel

Matches found will be displayed on the page that opens.

After the verification, it is necessary to determine the maximum similarity coefficient for products and for categories:

and set the value of the maximum threshold in the match list in the match list settings

After saving the changes, repeat the Process valid objects command again.

Adding Search Synonyms

To add a search synonym, you need to go to the Search synonyms section of the Administrative panel

After that, you need to click on the Add Search Synonym button

On the page for creating a Search Synonym, you must select a comparison list for which the Search Synonym will operate. If no comparison list is selected, then Search Synonym will be valid for all lists.

Add another synonym

In the Source text block, you must specify the value that will be checked. In the field settings, you select which parameter is checked (For example, Title) and the text that will be a synonym

After creating a synonym, a match will be shown

In the future, when receiving information about the name of the product, a search for a synonym will be performed, and if the value is found, then the product will be compared according to the created synonym.

The result of datamatching

The goods loaded by the Supplier are linked to the reference card of the goods. To check, go to the Products section of the administrative panel

We find the goods loaded by the Supplier and check its binding to the standard

You can also go to the settings page for a specific product by clicking on its name or article number.

In the Link to the reference product card section, the link to the reference product will be displayed

In your personal account it will be displayed as follows. Reference cards of products in the catalog are displayed:

The reference product card shows the supplier's offer

Sv translation