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Sv translation

The system allows you to register a buyer as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

To register, the user needs to go to the registration page by clicking on the Buyer registration button.

To change the language, click on the language icon in the upper right corner of the window.


For some projects the form of registration of a legal entity may differ slightly, more information is available here.

Fill in the following groups of fields:

User data (full name *, e-mail address *, password *, password confirmation *).

Contact details and additional information (Company website *, Country, HeadQuarter city, Phone).

Company details (Company type, TIN*, PPC*  etc.).

The requisites can be different for a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur.

If the entered TIN has already been registered in the System, the System will display a warning message with a proposal to contact the support service or to recover the password.

Tax IDs (like CPF, CNPJ for Brazil) are automatically verified, so if they are invalid, registration will fail. CPF is used only for registration, CNPJ is used for transactions. Logs are recorded in the administrative panel in the CPF and CNPJ check errors section. For each tax identifier, the transfer status (successful or not successful), the numeric value of the identifier, a link to the JSON returned by SerPro in response, the date and time of sending the POST request to the SerPro API, the date and time of the returned JSON from the SerPro API are recorded.

Consent to the processing of personal data and registration of a counterparty.

To complete the registration process, the user must confirm consent to the processing of personal data and click the Sign up button.

After successful registration, the user will receive a notification of successful registration to the specified email address.


Fields marked with * sign are obligatory.

The Agora system also allows the customer to customize the registration form in the administrative panel (for example, remove unnecessary fields for filling and add others). The functionality is enabled on request.
