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Sv translation

Agora has implemented the ability to conduct electronic trading in Federal Law 223 / Federal Law 495. (relevant for the Russian market)



There are 3 options for bidding: Reduction, Auction, Supplier Selection.

  • Reduction - bidding with a decrease in price (bidding for a fall). As a rule, at the conclusion of the contract a tender is held, but there are times when it is necessary to carry out an additional reduction between several participants.
  • Auction - a public sale of products, securities, property of enterprises, works of art and other objects, which is carried out according to pre-established auction rules.
  • Supplier selection - is used by the contractor to select a supplier according to specified conditions.

(информация) Each type of bidding depends on the user role used on the portal.

Selection of a supplier using the contractor role

To select a supplier, log in to the portal using the role of a contractor and go to the Supplier Selection section located in the top menu:

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In the window that opens, a list of previously created trades and a button for creating a new one will be displayed:

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(информация) By clicking on the ID of any request, its card will open containing the conditions of the auction.

Press the button New supplier selection, the window for setting up the conditions of the conducted tenders will open:

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  • Request type - type of request being made. Commercial offer collection or Reduction can be selected.
  • Product category - the corresponding category for the necessary products.
  • Name or article - the field will become active after selecting a category, a specific product is indicated, to which a request is sent to all/selected suppliers.
  • Deferred payment, days - the number of days for deferred payment and the type of day: Bank or Calendar.
    The desired delivery period is the required number of days for delivery.
  • Start time for the collection of commercial proposals - date and time of the start of the collection of proposals.
  • Validity - date and time of the end of the auction.
  • Suppliers to whom the application is available - indicated if necessary to send a request to specific suppliers. If the request should be received by all suppliers, the field should be left blank.
  • Attached files - used to attach documents to the request. For example, detailed requirements for suppliers or terms of purchase of products when choosing a supplier.
  • The request comment form - is a brief description of the conditions of the request in the absence of a detailed description in the form of a file that can be attached in the Attached files section.

After filling in all the conditions of the auction, click the Create button. All or selected suppliers will be sent a notification about the ongoing request:

You can view the sent requests in the Requests for my product section in the top menu:

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By clicking on the request ID, a request card will open with a description of all the conditions:

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After reviewing the request, the supplier can set a price, select a currency and leave a comment.

Create a reduction using the contractor role

Go to the Supplier Selection section and click the New Supplier Selection button.

In the window that opens, fill in all the
  • conditions
of the ongoing reduction:

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  • Type of reduction - necessary type: Closed/Open. Closed means hiding information about suppliers who have left a request for a price reduction. When you select Open, all suppliers will see information about the suppliers who participated in the reduction and the price they offer.
  • Price reduction step - the amount by which the cost of the products will be reduced when participating in the reduction.
  • Product category - the corresponding category of necessary products.
  • Name or article - the field will become active after selecting a category, a specific product is indicated, to which a request is sent to all/selected suppliers.
  • Initial (maximum) price per unit of products - sets the maximum amount for which the contractor is ready to purchase the products. The necessary currency is indicated to the right of the set price.
  • Purchase lot - the required quantity, to the right of the specified value, select the unit of measure: lot, piece, kit, box, etc.
  • Deferred payment - the number of days for deferred payment and the type of day: Banking or Calendar.
    The desired delivery period is the required number of days for delivery.
  • Reduction start time - date and time of the start of the request.
  • Validity - date and time of the end of bidding.
  • Suppliers to whom the application is available - it is indicated if it is necessary to send an offer to specific suppliers. If the request should be received by all suppliers, the field should be left blank.
  • Attached files - used to attach documents related to the request. For example, detailed requirements for suppliers or terms of purchase of products when choosing a supplier.
  • The request comment form - is a brief description of the conditions of the request in the absence of a detailed description in the form of a file that can be attached in the Attached files section.

After specifying all the conditions, click the Create button so that all or selected suppliers receive a notification about the created request.

The supplier can lower the price of the step indicated in the offer, thereby increasing the chances of a sale. The contractor will be able to choose the most optimal and profitable delivery option, and place an order.

Supplier Auction Creation

The auction is held by the supplier, respectively, the request is placed using the supplier’s account.

To create an auction, go to the Bidding tab, then click the New Bid button:

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In the window that opens, fill in all the conditions of the auction:

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  • Type of auction - required type: Closed/Open. Closed means hiding information about users who have left a request for a price increase. When you select Open, all contractors will see information about the users who participated in the auction and the price they offer.
  • The step of increasing the price is the amount by which the cost of the products will be increased when participating in the auction.
  • Product category - the corresponding category of necessary products.
  • Name or article - the field will become active after selecting a category, a specific product is indicated, to which a request is sent for all/selected customers.
  • Initial (minimum) price per unit of products - the minimum amount for which the contractor is ready to purchase the products. The necessary currency is indicated to the right of the set price.
  • Purchase lot - the required quantity, to the right of the specified value, select the unit of measure: lot, piece, kit, box, etc.
  • Deferred payment - the number of days for deferred payment and the type of day: Banking or Calendar.
    The desired delivery period is the required number of days for delivery.
  • Auction Start Time - The date and time the request began.
  • Validity - date and time of the end of the auction.
  • Contractors to whom the application is available - is indicated if it is necessary to send an offer to specific contractors. If the request should be received by all contractors, the field should be left blank.
  • Attached files - used when necessary to attach documents related to the request. For example, detailed requirements for contractors or the conditions for the purchase of products when choosing a contractor.
  • The request comment form is a brief description of the conditions of the request in the absence of a detailed description in the form of a file that can be attached in the Attached files section.

After specifying all the conditions, click the Create button so that all or selected contractors receive a notification with an offer to purchase the products under the specified conditions.

The contractor will be able to increase the price if it is ready to purchase the products, according to the results of the auction, the supplier will be able to choose the contractor with whom the transaction will be concluded
  • .

Sv translation

A Agora tem a capacidade de realizar licitação eletrônica nos termos da Lei Federal 223/Lei Federal 495.

O comprador pode iniciar diferentes tipos de licitação:

  • Solicitação de Propostas – Uma proposta em que o preço de um item pode incluir um preço de envio (mas não necessariamente). Funcionalmente, essa negociação não é diferente da licitação Solicitação de Preços. Mas o fornecedor pode adicionar o custo de entrega ao preço da mercadoria ou regular o preço de entrega por um acordo separado.
  • Solicitação de Cotações é um concurso onde o preço proposto do item NÃO inclui o preço de envio. Funcionalmente, este lance não difere do pedido de propostas.
  • Redução - negociação com queda no preço (negociação por uma redução). Via de regra, ao término do contrato, é realizada uma licitação, mas há casos em que é necessário realizar uma redução adicional entre vários participantes.
  • Compre de uma única fonte - usada pela contraparte para selecionar um fornecedor em condições especificadas.