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Sv translation

Functionality of registration registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur allows you to register in the system of the contractor - the customer or supplier.


1. Go to the registration page and select a country

To register, you must enter the registration page, where you can select the country of the company and proceed to enter user data.

2. Entering user data

The following fields are displayed on the user data entry page.

User data

  • Email Address (e-mail) *
  • Company*
  • Password*
  • Confirm password (required field)
  • Position

Contact details and additional information

  • The site of the company*
  • Main city
  • Telephone

3. Entering company details

The details requested at registration differ for a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur.


When registering a legal entity, the system requests the following details:

  • INN *
  • CAT *
  • BIN *
  • Legal address
  • Name of the bank
  • BIC
  • Corr. score
  • Payment account

Individual entrepreneur

When registering an individual entrepreneur, the following details are requested:

  • TIN (required field)
  • OGRNIP (required field)
  • Legal address
  • BIC
  • Corr. score
  • Payment account

4. Consent to the processing of personal data and registration of the contractor

To complete the registration process, the user must confirm his consent to the processing of personal data and click the "Register" button.


If errors are detected in the entered data, an error message will be displayed.

After successful registration, the user will receive a notification of successful registration at the specified email address.


Fields marked with * are required.

Sv translation

O sistema permite que você registre um comprador como pessoa jurídica ou um empreendedor individual.

Para se cadastrar, o usuário precisa ir até a página de cadastro clicando no botão Registro do Comprador.

Para alterar o idioma, clique no ícone no canto superior direito da janela.